
Zabbix بالعربية open source network monitoring

Zabbix is an enterprise open source monitoring software for networks and applications, created by Alexei Vladishev. It is designed to monitor and track the status of various network servicesservers, and other network hardware.
Zabbix uses MySQLPostgreSQLSQLiteOracle or IBM DB2 to store data.[2] Its backend is written in C and the web frontend is written in PHP. Zabbix offers several monitoring options:
  • Simple checks can verify the availability and responsiveness of standard services such as SMTP or HTTP without installing any software on the monitored host.
  • A Zabbix agent can also be installed on UNIX and Windows hosts to monitor statistics such as CPU load, network utilization, disk space, etc.
  • As an alternative to installing an agent on hosts, Zabbix includes support for monitoring via SNMPTCP and ICMP checks, as well as over IPMIJMXSSHTelnet and using custom parameters. Zabbix supports a variety of near-real-time notification mechanisms, including XMPP.
Released under the terms of GNU General Public License version 2, Zabbix is free software

PHP scripting language دورة بالعربية

'بي إتش بي' "المعالج المسبق للنصوص الفائقة") هي لغة برمجة نصية صممت أساسا من أجل استخدامها لتطوير وبرمجة تطبيقات الويب. كما يمكن استخدامها لإنتاج برامج قائمة بذاتها وليس لها علاقة بالويب فقط. 

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5- JAVA Swing GUI جافا الواجهات الرسومية

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7- JAVA FX جافا اف اكس بالعربية

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