
Intro to Parallel Programming CUDA - Udacity 458

intro to parallel programming cuda
مقدمة الى البرمجة الموازية

About this Course

Learn the fundamentals of parallel computing with the GPU and the CUDA programming environment! In this class, you'll learn about parallel programming by coding a series of image processing algorithms, such as you might find in Photoshop or Instagram. You'll be able to program and run your assignments on high-end GPUs, even if you don't own one yourself.
Why It’s Important to Think Parallel
Third Pillar of Science

Learn how scientific discovery can be accelerated by combining theory and experimentation with computing to fight cancer, prevent heart attacks, and spur new advances in robotic surgery.

Introduction to High Performance Computing with ARCHIE-WeSt

introduction to high performance computing and how it increase your productivity
مقدمة الى الحوسبة عالية الاداء و كيف تساهم فى زيادة الانتاجية


Build a Mosaic Portfolio Layout with CSS Grid

The CSS Grid is here, and this is my first real look at how to use it. To start with, I wanted to look at how we can make a cool looking layout in the simplest way possible, so all we're dealing with here is setting up the grid template, and then using spans to get things the size we need. 

Once the initial layout is done, I look at how you can add in an image and hover effect, and then I follow that up by looking at how easy it is to add more items to your layout.

Check out the CodePen: https://codepen.io/kevinpowell/pen/mM...

CSS Grid Layout Crash Course

Published on Aug 1, 2017
In this video we will look at the new CSS Grid layout and how to create grid based layouts and alignments. We will look at properties for containers and items.

CODE: Code for this tutorial

Build An HTML5 Website With A Responsive Layout

In this video we will build a clean coded responsive mobile friendly HTML5 website for a fictional web design company. We will go over semantic HTML tags like header and footer as well as the basics of HTML and CSS. This is a great project for beginners.



الدورة الكاملة لبرمجة تطبيقات الاندرويد || Kotlin on Android

full course to make android projects from zero to hero this course will cover design and code projects from zero when you take your order and data from customer to finalize the application and deliver it this course from (new baghdad) youtube channel

الدورة الكاملة لبرمجة تطبيقات الاندرويد باستخدام لغة كوتلن وسوف تغطى هذه الدورة تصميم المشاريع من الصفر بدءاً من اخذ المتطلبات من العميل الى تنفيذ المشروع مروراً بجميع الخطوات اللازم اتخاذها وهى مقدمة من قناة (بغداد الجديدة)

Kid Part 01- Head (Maya 2016 Character Modeling)

this playlist presented by David Vercher channel on youtube in this videos david will model a boy (cartoon character) in very simple way without any complex moves

فى هذه السلسلة المقدمة من قناة David Vercher يقوم ديفيد بعمل موديلينج أو نمذجة لشخصية كارتونية بطريقة مبسطة بدون تعقيد

Maya Modeling techniques (how to guide) part 4

in this playlist from Maya Sensei channel will model a house in very nice way and amazing view

فى هذه الفيديوهات المقدمة من قناة Maya Sensei سيتم عمل نمذجة او بناء لبيت بشكل جميل جداً 

Cartoon House 3d modeling tutorial in Autodesk maya

in this playlist will model a cartoon house with autodesk maya simple and beautiful view this video from 3D Bunch youtube channel

فى هذا الفيديو سيتم عمل نمذجة او بناء لبيت صغير باستخدام برنامج اوتوديسك مايا بطريقة مبسطة و شكل جميل 
هذا الفيديو مقدم من قناة 3D Bunch


How to model a 3D Hoist Block in Maya 2018

in this video will learn to model a 3D hoist block in autodesk maya simply and beautifully this video presented by Mike Hermes youtube channel

فى هذا الفيديو سيقوم Mike Hermes بعمل نمذجة لرافع احمال باستخدام برنامج اوتوديسك مايا

Packet Squirrel - Hacking Tool - Overview

in this video will review a device (packet squirrel) this device make man in the middle attack to wire network 
this video presented by  Seytonic youtube channel

فى هذا الفيديو سيتم مراجعة اداة وهى اداة (packet squirrel) وهى اداة تقوم بجعلك فى المنتصف بين جهاز الضحية و الراوتر او السويتش و بالتالى الحصول على كافة المعلومات هذا الفيديو مقدم من قناة Seytonic


IT Career Hacks for 2017

in this video CBT Nuggets will talk with you about IT Careers (information technology) careers for 2017 with Ben Finkel

from CBT Nuggets youtube channel

فى هذا الفيديو سيقوم Ben Finkel بالتحدث حول الوظائف الافضل فى تكنولوجيا المعلومات لعام 2017
هذا الفيديو مقدم من قناة CBT Nuggets

IT Expertise: Setting Up a Sweet Home WiFi

in this video CBT Nuggets will introduce to course  how to setting up a sweet home wifi simply
this video shared from CBT Nuggets youtube channel

هذا الفيديو عبارة عن مقدمة لكورس كيفية عمل شبكة واى فاى (شبكة لاسلكية) للمنزل ببساطة 
هذا الفيديو مقدم من قناة CBT Nuggets

IT Expertise: Building and Configuring a Business Switch Network

in this video jeremy cloara will share IT Expertise in building and configuration a buisness switch network

فى هذا الفيديو سيقوم جيريمى بمشاركة جزء من خبرته فى بناء و تشغيل سويتش للأغراض العملية

IT Expertise: Building and Configuring a Business Wireless Network

in this video jeremy will share part of his it expertise to build and configuration a buisness wireless   network for buisness

فى هذا الفيديو سيقوم جيريمى ببناء و تشغيل شبكة وايرليس الموجهة لنطاق الاعمال

How to Build a CCNA Home Lab

in this video will build a ccna home lab to test all you need on it
فى هذا الفيديو ستتعلم بناء مختبر صغير لكورس ccna 


in this video will unboxing a quantom computer and will be close look of it

The coldest place in the known universe is on Earth! It's quantum computing company D-Wave's HQ, and they actually let Linus in!
فى هذا الفيديو سيتم فتح الكوانتم كمبيوتر و القاء نظرة عن قرب

How a CPU Works

in this video will learn how is cpu work with 3D video this playlist is most beautiful learn hardware with 3D videos 

فى هذا الفيديو ستتعلم كيف يعمل المعالج المركزى للحاسوب بشكل تفاعلى على شكل رسوم ثلاثية الابعاد وهذه السلسلة من افضل ما وجدنا على الانترنت لانها تشرح طريقة عمل الهاردوير بطريقة سلسلة جداً وممتعة جداً

Published on Mar 15, 2013
Go inside the computer to uncover the inner workings of the CPU including the Control Unit, the ALU, registers and much more.
See the Book: http://amzn.to/1mOYJvA Author's Website: http://www.buthowdoitknow.com/

See the 6502 CPU Simulation: http://visual6502.org/JSSim/index.html

For anyone annoyed by the breaths between speaking, try this unlisted version with edited audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkdBs...

Download the PowerPoint file used to make the video: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BzwHN...

The CPU design used in the video is copyrighted by John Scott, author of the book But How Do It Know?.

There are a few small differences between the CPU in the video and the one used in the book. Those differences are listed below but they should not detract from your understanding of either.

CONTROL UNIT - This component is called the Control Section in the book. It is called Control Unit here simply because that is a more common name for it that you might see used elsewhere.

LOAD INSTRUCTION - In this video, what's called a LOAD instruction is actually called a DATA instruction in the book. The Scott CPU uses two different instructions to move data from RAM into the CPU. One loads the very next piece of data (called a DATA instruction in the book) and the other uses another register to tell it which address to pull that data from (called a LOAD instruction in the book). The instruction was renamed in the video for two reasons: 1) It might be confusing to hear that the first type of data we encounter in RAM is itself also called DATA. 2) Since the LOAD instruction from the book is a more complex concept, it was easier to use the DATA instruction in the video to introduce the concept of moving data from RAM to the CPU .

IN and OUT INSTRUCTIONS - In the Scott CPU, there is more involved in moving data between the CPU and external devices than just an IN or an OUT instruction. That process was simplified in the video to make the introduction of the concept easier.

ACCUMULATOR - The register that holds the output of the ALU is called the Accumulator in the book. That is the name typically used for this register, although it was simply called a register in the video.

MEMORY ADDRESS REGISTER - The Memory Address Register is a part of RAM in the book, but it is a part of the CPU in the video. It was placed in the CPU in the video as this is generally where this register resides in real CPUs.

JUMP INSTRUCTIONS - In the book there are two types of unconditional JUMP instructions. One jumps to the address stored at the next address in RAM (this is the one used in the video) and the other jumps to an address that has already been stored in a register. These are called JMP and JMPR instructions in the book respectively.

MISSING COMPONENT - There is an additional component missing from the CPU in the video that is used to add 1 to the number stored in a register. This component is called "bus 1" in the book and it simply overrides the temporary register and sends the number 1 to the ALU as input B instead.

REVERSED COMPONENTS - The Instruction Register and the Instruction Address Register are in opposite positions in the diagrams used in the book. They are reversed in the video because the internal wiring of the control unit will be introduced in a subsequent video and keeping these registers in their original positions made that design process more difficult.

OP CODE WIRING - The wires used by the control unit to tell the ALU what type of operation to perform appear near the bottom of the ALU in the video, but near the top of the ALU in the book. They were reversed for a similar reason as the one listed above. The wiring of the ALU will be introduced in a subsequent video and keeping these wires at the top of the ALU made the design process more difficult.

Virtualization Home Lab Guide

in this video will make virtualization home lab in very simple way
Published on Jan 30, 2017
Home Lab setup for Virtualization, Hyper-V, and MCSE studies. Hopefully this video is able to give you a few ideas of how to add to or improve your own home lab!

فى هذا الفيديو سيتم عمل مختبر للانظمة الافتراضية و الشرح بلغة بسيطة


How To Build A 10Gb/s Network/Server

How To Build A 10Gb/s Network/Server

in this video will build 10 GB/s server and network will explain price and  where you buy the gears and how to setup it and test it

فى هذا الفيديو سيتم عمل شبكة و سيرفر بسرعة 10 جيجا بالثانية وسيتم عرض الاسعار و من اين سيتم شراء المكونات وطريقة العمل و تجربة السيرفر و الشبكة 


How to Create a Light Bulb in Autodesk Maya

الدرس الاضافي الثانية عن كيفية صنع مصباح ضوء ببرنامج مايا

CGI 3D Tutorial HD: "Creating An Ancient Persian City in 3D" Part 2 by M...

CGI 3D Tutorial Creating An Ancient Persian City in 3D Part 2 by Mike Stoliarov. Featured on http://www.cgmeetup.net/home/creating...

Mike Stoliarov Tutorial about creating an ancient persian city in 3D. from Modeling to Compose. Software used: Maya, Zbrush, Speedtree, Fusion, After Effects. mikestoliarov@gmail.com

CGI 3D Tutorial HD: "Creating An Ancient Persian City in 3D" Part 1 by M...

CGI 3D Tutorial Creating An Ancient Persian City in 3D Part 1 by Mike Stoliarov. Featured on http://www.cgmeetup.net/home/creating...

Mike Stoliarov Tutorial about creating an ancient persian city in 3D. from Modeling to Compose. Software used: Maya, Zbrush, Speedtree, Fusion, After Effects. mikestoliarov@gmail.com

3D Character Workflow For Beginners Tutorial

3D Character Workflow For Beginners Tutorial
in this video will make a 3d character 

Maya Shader Design - Light Surface Shader Tutorial

In this tutorial you will learn how to use the Maya Light surface shader to create light emitting surface that can be used to create LED or HUDs type effect(which is what is being used in production)!

CGI Tutorial HD: Create a Tornado using Maya Fluid by khalil khalilian

CGI Tutorial HD: Create a Tornado using Maya Fluid by khalil khalilian. Featured on http://www.cgmeetup.net/home/create-a...

Learn how to create a Tornado using Maya fluids, dynamics and dynamic fields and particles to control the look of the tornado effect. Maya Tutorial by khalil khalilian.

Maya - Basic Particle Dissolve Effect

من قناة jfernsler

I show you how to use Maya's nParticles to create a simple "dissolve to dust" effect which employs several very useful, simple and flexible techniques for many other effects you may wish to create.

Maya tutorial : Model and texture a Tennis Ball in 3D ( full tutorial )

من قناة Mike Hermes

In this full modeling ( Maya 2017 ) and texturing ( Keyshot ) tutorial I will show you how to create a Tennis Ball in full.



Autodesk Maya 2017

Screen recording : Movavi Video Suite 

3D Control : SpaceMouse Enterprise Kit

3D Mouse : SpaceMouse Enterprise Kit ( AutoCAD mouse ) 

Camera : Canon EOS M10

Camera : GoPro Hero 4 Black 
( haven't used it yet. It for visiting fairs and stuff )

Small Gorilla Tripod for desk :

Normal Tripod for outside :

Wacom tablet

Keyboard : 

Mouse :
Sharkoon FireGlider Laser 3D Mouse

Microphone : 

Microphone Pop filter : 

Monitor 27 Inch :

HakTip: Maltego - Open Source Intelligence and Forensics

maltego is a very important and interesting tool to collect information about persons and companies and websites and phones 

مجموعة فيديوهات لشرح اداة قوية وشيقة لجمع المعلومات
من قناة hack5
مشاهدة ممتعة

In this episode of HakTip, Shannon introduces Maltego, a data collection program for penetration testers.

Maltego is a program built into Kali Linux that lets you do reconnaissance on any person, by scraping up data from all publicly available areas of the Internets. Maltego is used for information gathering and data-mining, and can be useful for anyone who needs to gather data on a person or company.
For my series on Maltego, I'm going to be using my Kali Linux VM. To open Maltego, just type maltego into the command line.
Go through the registration process for the free community version of Maltego and sign up! There is also a paid version that can be used for more detailed outputs and for penetration testing in a business setting.
Open a blank graph and you're golden! You'll notice this thing called a palette on the left side. This will show you all sorts of entities we can gather data on. You can drag and drop whatever entity you want to mine data on. Whatever item you end up dragging and dropping onto your graph will end up being a node. For my example, we'll gather data on hak5.org. You can also change this by double clicking inside the domain box on your new graph. But my graph still looks kind of boring so lets gather some specific data. To do so, you'll right click on your domain box, then choose to "run transforms". This means it'll run a search based on your option.

So now that you've gotten a chance to check out the options under run transforms, choose one that you are interested in learning about. First off, I can run a transform on the email domain associated with Hak5.org and I find that there's a few out there available publicly. Next, I can look for the website address, which should be hak5.org. I can right click on the server looking icon and choose the transform labeled ToServerTechnologiesWebsite. Now when it's done, we can see Hak5 is running on Apache, with wordpress, PHP and Google Analytics both added.
Why is this useful? Well, if Hak5 hasn't updated their Wordpress creds in a while, there may be a vulnerability there. Maltego gives you a fast and simple way to search for specific information on a site, in this example Hak5, and return valuable information in seconds.
Let me know what you think. Send me a comment below or email us at Tips@hak5.org. And be sure to check out our sister show, Hak5 for more great stuff just like this. I'll be there, reminding you to trust your technolust.


Hyper Threading Explained

This is an animated video explaining what is hyper threading. Hyper threading is a technology developed by Intel that virtually doubles the cores on the CPU. Making the CPU run faster and more efficient by scheduling the workload between the cores.

Printers Explained - Laser, Inkjet, Thermal, & Dot Matrix

This is an animated video explaining inkjet vs laser printers and thermal printers and dot matrix printers. It explains how a laser printer works. How an inkjet printer works. How a dot matrix printer works and how a thermal printer works.

    دورة مايا 2017 - 2018 للمبتدئين Maya 2017-2018

    دورة أوتوديسك مايا 2017 للمبتدئين
    Autodesk Maya 2017 for beginners



    التعدين بدأ عام 2009 بالبطاقات الرسومية ولازال حتى الآن ويمكنك بأي بطاقة رسومية تمتلكها أن تربح منها.

    Learn Javascript HTML DOM

    Learn how to deal with HTML DOM with Javascript

    What is the DOM?

    The DOM is a W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) standard.
    The DOM defines a standard for accessing documents:
    "The W3C Document Object Model (DOM) is a platform and language-neutral interface that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure, and style of a document."
    The W3C DOM standard is separated into 3 different parts:
    • Core DOM - standard model for all document types
    • XML DOM - standard model for XML documents
    • HTML DOM - standard model for HTML documents

    What is the HTML DOM?

    The HTML DOM is a standard object model and programming interface for HTML. It defines:
    • The HTML elements as objects
    • The properties of all HTML elements
    • The methods to access all HTML elements
    • The events for all HTML elements
    In other words: The HTML DOM is a standard for how to get, change, add, or delete HTML elements.

    ملخص ومراجعات الكتب من أخضر

    جميع حلقات ملخصات لمراجعات الكتب الكرتونية من اخضر
    محدث باستمرار

    دورة من الصفر للاحتراف Ionic 3 مع مشاريع كاملة iOS , Android

    أيونيك هو حزمة تطوير مفتوحة المصدر لتطوير التطبيقات الهجينة لأنظمة تشغيل الهواتف الذكية

    Ionic is the app platform for web developers. Build amazing mobile, web, and desktop apps all with one shared code base and open web standards.


    Kotlin دورة باللغة العربية

    كوتلن (بالإنجليزيةKotlin) هي لغة برمجة كائنيّة Object Oriented تعمل على منصة جافا كما يُمكن تشغيلها على منصة لغةجافا سكريبت. طوّر اللغة مجموعة من المُبرمجين في شركة جيتبراينز والتي يقع مقرّها في سانت بطرسبرغ في روسيا -حيث أن اسم اللغة مستوحى من جزيرة كوتلن القريبة من المدينة- وهي نفس الشركة التي طورت أندرويد استوديو الأداة الرسمية لتطوير تطبيقاتأندرويد.[1][2] وقد تم تصميم كوتلن للتعامل والتوافق الكامل مع الجافا وحزمة تطويرها JDK ومكتبة الأكواد وتتيح كتابة الشيفرة البرمجية بعدد أقل من الأسطر وبشكل أسرع وأكثر فاعلية مقارنةً بلغة جافا، حيث تُعتَبر شبيهة بلغة سويفت من أبل

    Mastering Wordpress [ In Progress ]

    Learn how to master WordPress by doing everything you can imagine from setup WordPress with all ways then secure it to create Theme and Plugin and extend WordPress control panel


    mongoDB دورة بالعربي

    مونغو دي بي وهي نظام قاعدة بيانات مفتوحة المصدر مطورة ومدعومة من 10gen. وهي جزء من عائلة أنظمة قواعد بيانات NoSQL

    Ruby on Rails بالعربي in Arabic

    روبي أون ريلز (بالإنجليزية: Ruby on Rails) ويرمز لها بالاختصار ROR وأحياناً تختصر باسم ریلز بصيغة الجمع (بالإنجليزية: Rails) أي قضبان سكة القطار وهي عبارة عن المنصة البرمجية لتطبيقات الإنترنت مفتوحة المصدر مبني على لغة روبي، ويعتزم استخدامها مع منهجية التطوير الذكية التي يتم استخدامها من قبل المطورين على الشبكة العالمية للتطوير السريع.


    Creating A Website From Preview [ Html, Css Lv1 ]

    تعلم كيف ترى أي تصميم أو عنصر و تقوم بتكويده و كيف تقوم بعمل محاكاة لأي تصميم الكورس التالي تطبيق على

    Html + Css

    التصميم الذي يتم العمل عليه هنا كاملا هنا :
